I had the amazing opportunity to invite some wonderful ladies over one Saturday morning to chat about me and all of the various things I am working on as a chicago wedding and event planner. (I’m terrible at talking about myself and my work, I think, so it’s one of my goals in 2014 to get better at it!)
Kate and Alysse founded and run People with Panche, which is a blog that celebrates women with panache. They define panache as: flamboyant confidence of style or manner; reckless courage. Which I love. Totally love. Reckless courage is my new favorite thing ever. From their blog: “We believe in women, dreams and hard work. We believe in sharing stories, finding inspiration all over the place and having fun like it’s our job. We’re Alysse and Kate, and every Tuesday morning we’ll bring you new stories of young Midwestern women making their dreams come true. These ladies are bringing their passions to life as their jobs, side projects and after-work hobbies. We hope you find inspiration here and choose to do the same.”
We drank some coffee, I showed them around my apartment and we talked about all they jobs I have and why I am so happy having all of them. And of course, Walter did a little growling made the photos a million times cuter.
Read the whole article at People with Panache!