Happy Monday! I hope this cake-spiration will ease your Monday-blues. A few of my very favorites from my archives.
This one is so intricate and beautiful without being over the top. Black and white is always classy:

The only thing better than cake is cake with cookies attached to it. I think this is a great idea for a DIY bride/hostess who wants to make their own cake. Frost it in butter cream and then use that as glue to attach cookies on it. Oreos for a black and white theme? Animal cookies for a baby shower? I mean, really, the possibilities are endless. And delicious.

Another cake that I think could be made at home. I love the whimsical flags, perhaps to match your bunting?

Modern and simple for the pilot or the travelers.

I love this cake inspired by a Mexican fiesta. With the colors poms on top and the sombreros and donkeys. You know only a pretty awesome couple would have donkeys on their wedding cake.

Now I am hungry. Shoot!
*I collected these images pre-blog. Please let me know if they are yours so I can credit you!